Open Bible Christian Academy
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Our Beliefs

Open Bible Christian Academy exists to glorify God and enjoy Him by: Forming our hearts for learning about God and His world, informing our minds with truth for life, transforming our imaginations with purpose in God’s kingdom. We are a school where heart and passion fuel learning.

Open Bible Christian Academy is a home for students to receive a Christ-centered education, focused on preparatory studies where Christ is pre-eminent and the Bible is the guiding authority. The school partners with parents and the church to train, develop, nurture and instruct each student to their highest, God-given potential. Loving, dedicated and qualified teachers instruct and challenge students to love God, to apply biblical principles to their lives and to become lifelong learners through an educational program defined by spiritual, academic and extracurricular excellence. 


Open Bible Christian Academy believes that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God and that from the very first word of Genesis to the last word of Revelation, it is God’s plan for the redemption and salvation for sinful man. We believe in the innate sinfulness of man as inherited from Adam. We believe that God sent Jesus Christ in the flesh, being God, to die upon the cross and provide once and for all a blood sacrifice for our sins. We believe that there is salvation in none other, but that through the blood of Christ and profession of his Name we have eternal life. We believe in the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, as the Godhead who function and operate in unity. We believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of our Savior, and that He set up His kingdom as prophesied by Isaiah. Until then He is our mediator and our advocate unto the Father.

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