Open Bible Christian Academy
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Age and Academic Standards


  1. Students must be three years old to be eligible to enroll in K3 Preschool. 

  2. Students enrolled in K4 and Kindergarten will be admitted based on individual evaluation. 

  3. Students will be admitted to grades one through nine on the basis of successful completion of the previous grade and satisfactory scores on standardized tests.   


Students scoring at grade level or above on standardized tests will be admitted to the grade level for which they have applied. Students who score more than one year below their grade level on the standardized tests may be admitted on a probationary status to the grade level for which they have applied. Students may not be accepted to the grade level for which they have applied if their grade equivalency on the standardized tests is more than two years below the normal grade placement for a student of their chronological age.

All testing is done to evaluate the students’ ability and to place them in the correct level of instruction. Students of various academic readiness or preparedness are considered and it will be determined whether or not OBCA can meet the students’ academic needs. School transcripts, recent report cards, and standardized test scores will be utilized for this evaluation. Entrance testing may be required for 1st-9th grade students (transcripts of credits earned are transferred in for grades 10-12). Students with special learning needs or disabilities will be considered on an individual basis. The School Board reserves the right to decline acceptance to any child whose needs cannot be met by the staff or school. Students accepted “conditionally” must follow through with said guidelines.

Conduct Standards

  1. Students who have an unsatisfactory conduct record or have been expelled will be considered carefully and may be accepted on disciplinary probation, if at all. 

  2. Students may be denied admission because of previous problems with drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. 

  3. Students who have had prior problems with legal authorities may be denied admission. 

  4. Students who have borne a child or had an abortion, or fathered a child out of wedlock may not be admitted. 

  5. Students who are married, or have been married, will not be admitted.



Spiritual Standards

  1. All admitted students and their parents must agree to accept the Christian education philosophies and spiritual standards of Open Bible Christian Academy while in attendance. 

  2. One parent, legal guardian, or involved grandparent must be a professing, committed Christian. 

  3. The family members professing to be Christians must believe in the infallibility of the Bible and be in regular church attendance.   

  4. The family must agree to the school-family commitment and subscribe to the Statement of Faith of Open Bible Christian Academy. 

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