Open Bible Christian Academy
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A registration package must be completed which includes:

  •      Admission Inquiry (See the above button for for online application)

  •      Full Application for Admission 

  •      Non-refundable application fee of $50

  •      School Family Commitment Form

  •      Emergency Form

  •      Health Registration/Immunization Record

  •      Release of Records Form (signed) for grades K5-12

  •      Last report card and achievement test results

  •      Cool Club forms if desired

  •      Custody papers if required


Students must complete and pass the admissions requirements.


The student and parents must attend an introductory meeting with the administrator that includes a tour of the facility. Upon acceptance, the non-refundable registration/book/activity fee ($495) must be submitted to confirm placement. Tuition can be paid in full to the school on August 15th (2% discount), in semi-annual payments on August 15th and January 15th, or in ten monthly payments beginning in July and ending in April.


New students must submit their Maryland Immunization Certificate, Health Inventory, and/or the current requirements of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene for their acceptance to be complete. All immunization records and physical examinations must meet state and local health requirements so that the student may be in attendance. Immunization records with the complete date of shots are required prior to the first day of class. Students transferring from another state must submit the equivalent form. A copy of custody papers, if applicable, is also required by State law.


A request for transfer of records is to be signed by a parent or guardian and forwarded to the previous school.


A parent must attend the orientation meeting held at the beginning of the school year.


All new students are accepted on a conditional basis and will be evaluated after the first three to four weeks of school to see if the grade placements were correct and they are adjusting well to OBCA. If a student is experiencing problems in academics or adjustment, a parent/teacher/administrator conference will be arranged.

We will process your admission and update you with our final decision within 30 days of receiving payment and all documentation.


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